Doors – How to protect your home while restaining your front door


I have been wanting to restain my front door. It is old and there is a lot of damage caused by heat and moisture. I know it takes some time and multiple coats of stain and poly to do it right, but it seems problematic to leave your house wide open for that long. What do you use to protect your home from people, animals, and the elements? Do you just cover it with a tarp or is there some sort of temporary wall that I can put up while I am working on it? Do I just need to make sure that I am home all of the time while trying to get it done?


Best Answer

Go to your local lumber yard or big box store and ask about a loaner slab. They know that builders want to send all their stuff out to be finished and will often loan door slabs for no charge. This gives you full functionality of your door while you finish the slab. Take the door dimensions and swing direction (with your back to the hinges).

Now, if you didn't buy your door (or at least your finishing products) from one of these places you may need to do a little more begging. Explain the situation and see what comes of it. An alternative is to buy a cheap scratch-and-dent slab and install it, then sell it on Craigslist or use it for a workbench.