Doors – How to reduce noise from trash chute door closing


I live in an apartment and unfortunately I live in a room right next to the trash chute room. I hear this loud clicking noise multiple times a day, including sometimes at night and it's starting to get really annoying. I know this can be solved very easily. But I have no idea how to fix this myself.

I uploaded some images on what the door looks like.

Click any photo for full size

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Best Answer

In addition to mikes's suggestion that the closing speed could be adjusted, I would like to add that with this type of door, there are little rubber bumpers on the door frame, which the door rests against when closed. One is visible in your fourth photo, next to the strike plate. If they are hardened (age, paint, etc.) or missing then that would also increase noise.

Consider having those bumpers replaced with fresh ones and ensure they are present everywhere they should be (look for small holes in the frame that should be plugged by them).