Doors – How to remove this sliding door


I have a sliding glass door. It sticks horribly. The track is just filthy, so my assumption is the two sets of wheels on the bottom of the door are gunked up and need replaced.

I remove the top strip of trim that holds the door in place. However, I can't get either wheel to raise or lower at all. Neither screw will turn – completely locked up. I've tried Liquid Wrench – no luck.

Even though the door is relatively low in the track, there is not enough clearance along the top jamb to tilt the door out. It's effectively stuck!

Help! Any idea on how I can get those wheels lowered even a bit to give me the clearance to remove the door?

Best Answer

Lift the door straight up and pull the bottom of the door out first. They're designed not to allow the top of the door to fall out of the track.