Doors – How to seal the bedroom door for soundproofing/reduction


I have a hollow bedroom door in my apartment. I can’t make any modifications to the door that are permanent—nor can I replace it.

Anyone outside the room can hear an interior conversation with crystal clarity.

There are gaps (especially a massive one at the bottom)—I’m wondering the best way to completely and utterly seal this room for sound purposes (while also allowing it to be a usable door).

Most advice I’ve seen advocated for foam weatherproofing—but foam apparently sucks at blocking sound. I’m also wondering if there’s something I can hang or put on my door to stop sound from going out.

What would y’all recommend?

Best Answer

Cut a piece of wood as a filler strip to fill the gap at the bottom of the door. Screw it to the bottom of the door, and when you remove it nobody will see the screw holes since they're on the bottom of the door.

Next add adhesive backed smoke gasket to to top and sides of the door jamb.

Finally, if you still need additional sound proofing, you can put egg crate foam on the inside of the door. I'm not sure how to temporarily attach it though.