Doors – How to secure a doggy door from intruders


I installed a doggy door so that our dog can go in/out when it has to go to the bathroom while we are at work/away. It lets him out into our fenced in backyard. The gates are deadlocked, but obviously this does not completely secure the house from determined intruders. If someone were to breach our fence, the intruder might easily fit into our doggy door. Other than the cover that was provided with the kit which I easily broke into, what is a good way to secure a doggy door from unwanted intrusions?

Best Answer

Forget securing the door, and install a security system with a motion sensor. Put labels up outside saying there is a security system (some people only put labels up, and don't have a real system).

Even if you have a door with a locking mechanism, if someone manages to defeat it (eg, kicks it open) or you forget to lock it, you still have the alarm go off.

Most motion sensors are "pet safe" in that it takes something over eg, 40 lbs or 80lbs to actually trigger (they have a rating and there are different sizes, so you can get a lower rating if you have a poodle and a bigger one if you have a great dane).