Doors – How to trim this door


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The above door is set in a double stud wall. On the left side of the door is a skim coated stud that sits about 1" out from the door frame and on the right side the double thick wall sits 4.5" out. On left, top and right side there is at most 2" of space between the door frame and adjacent wall/ceiling. What would I use as trim for this door?

Im thinking about just using a 1×4 stained and cut to fit so it will sit flush with the stud on the left and butt up again the ceiling and double thick wall on the right, would that look silly?


I did some more research and it looks like another option would be to fur out the left and top to be even with the double stud wall and add an extension jamb. Then, trim the door normally. What should I know about installing extension jambs? Should they be flush with the existing jamb or offset?

Left side
left side

Right side
right side

Best Answer

I agree with Trevor on this statement of his - which was my thought before I read his answer.

"The ultimate solution would have been to bring it all forward so the door was registered to the wall with the light switch, and pad the post on the left to bring the corner out to match. "

After that then I would have simply used dry wall on the interior side of the bathroom to make it look like it was simply a reason for that floor plan - like maybe a pipe was there or the wall had a load bearing beam back there anything to keep it from standing out as an OOPS.

Then it would be just as Trevor said the visual side that will be noticed looks like it should look, and the side that would need tidying up would be hidden for the most part.