Doors – How wide can a sliding door be open, before it becomes a security risk


I have a sliding door in my bedroom that I would like to put a deadbolt in and have it left open at night to let a breeze in, but I don't want anyone to be able to get in while I'm asleep.

Is there a recommend maximum distance? I know for railings in pool fences and on decks its 4inches or 100mm to stop children getting through, is it the same for security?

Best Answer

If its open its going to be easier to break in whether its 1cm or 4inches.

A security gate always did wonders for us in South Africa, pretty sure in many other countries too.

enter image description here

TIP: When you install the security gate, make sure that it cannot be screwed out from its sockets, form the OUTSIDE. Or tampered with in any other way from the outside.