Doors – Ideas for redesigning laundry room entrance


We have a laundry room that's tight in space and with inconvenient entrance that I would like to redesign. As shown in picture, our laundry room is in first floor and its sitting in the entrance into the house from Garage. It's about 5ft x 8 ft and has doors on the opposite end. Both the doors open inside into laundry room and when both are open they overlap and blocks access to shelf and area behind. Its super inconvenient and to use the area properly, we have to lock ourselves inside.

Now to the question, I am looking for ideas to redesign the entrance to laundry room. here are some ideas that I came up with already and not super ecstatic about any of them. So I want to see if folks in this forum have other any ideas.

Ideas that I came up with

  1. Re-orient the entrance so the door opens into the dinette. Wife not liking the idea of door opening into the house.

  2. Convert the door into a barn order. Like this better than previous option but might look weird.

Any other ideas, measurements are in the diagram.

Laundry room

Best Answer

I would change the door to the garage to open out into the garage. Having noted that "public and commercial buildings" require doors to open outwards for egress, I prefer that direction for doors in my house, despite it being "unusual" for homes, for some reason.

Change the other door as well, if you like - a pocket door takes more work, but looks less odd than a "barn door" inside a house, IMHO. But odd is in the eye of whoever actually cares about what it looks like. As can be seen by my choice of house door opening direction.