Doors – Is it possible to move a front door


My family just moved into a new house and it's awkwardly laid out. We are planning on moving in another year or two and we want to fix up the house enough to profit from it, but to also make it as comfortable as needed. Therefore price is a real concern.

One of the plans we came up with involves moving the front door to the other side of the front room, a move of about 17 feet. We would be covering up where it is at the moment, and cutting into the house on the other side to create enough space for the door + a small porch step. Our house is older, made probably in the 60's or 70's, therefore we know there might be some structural difficulties.

Is it possible to move the front door without it eating up too much money? Or is it really just based on the structure of the house?

Best Answer

A front door is just a controlled hole in the wall. But it is very controlled. You are right to think that there are structural issues. The wall where the door is located has several of its upright structural members (studs) removed. There has to be a horizontal support (header) added to make up for that, and extra vertical supports under that. The exact size depends on span and what is over the new door area. You may need an architect or engineer to confirm the ability to bear the load above.

There is also the issue of sealing against weather, both air and water. Flashing, insulation and a variety of seals are needed to keep the outside outside.

Finally, the entry landing has to be appropriate. If above grade, adequate steps or decking is needed.

Since you are asking, it sounds like this is not a do-it-yourself project that would be within your comfort zone. You may want to get a contractor in to give you an estimate.