Doors – Is this door striker and lock safe


This is my first house and I didn't notice little things during the viewing etc. At the time more interested in condition of the roof/furnace/foundation.

Anyway get into it and start noticing little things and one of them is this door striker that's shimmed to close the gap to the latch.

The door jamb looks uneven as if it was sanded in the middle or something. Guessing why the shim was added. I mean it works the door latches pretty tightly and I took couple screws out they seem to be 8×3 so they go into the frame. striker

Just looks odd. There's a lock above it with no key I think it's called a guardian per my online research. Due to the gap from the jamb to the door that "guardian" lock doesn't make 100% contact with the door but should still work as intended? lock

I can deal with the cosmetic issue of it for now as long as it's secure. Just looking for opinions. Thanks

Best Answer

The "Guardian" lock should be fine. If you feel daring, give it a good shove from the outside.

For the strike plate, if it's secured with long screws and doesn't wobble, it should also be fine. If you choose to fix it, the approach will depend on how the rest of the door looks. I suggest you post another question that documents the width of all the reveals around the door-jamb gap.