Doors – Location of manufacturer name on bifold doors


I asked a previous question on here about the adjustment of bifold doors. Since that didn't produce a resolution, I guess my next port of call is to ask the manufacturer. That leads to my next question: where, on the set of bifold doors pictured in the previous question, am I likely to find the manufacturer's name, please?

The full set of bifold doors:

The full set of bifold doors

The lead door:

The lead door

The hinge on which I attempted adjustment, viewed from the side:

Hinge viewed from side

The hinge on which I attempted adjustment, viewed from above:

Hinge from top

Best Answer

If it's identified, it's likely to be on the top or bottom, or on the outer edges (that face in toward the closet when the door is open). It's possible that there would be a sticker or stamp of some sort that would be visible on the inside of the closet.

You may need to clear out some closet space and close yourself in with a flashlight to find it.

Well, it seems this isn't a closet (the pics weren't there when I first wrote the answer). However, the labeling is still most likely going to be on one of the door edges. It might be on the top or bottom, but that makes it really hard to find, so I'd guess that's not going to be it. It may not be on the "lead door" that is open in the pics, so opening the other door(s) may be necessary to find the sticker.