Doors – Make a sliding barn door airtight


I'm brainstorming for building a cabin this summer and am wondering if anyone has had luck making a sliding barn door airtight (or at least, pretty airtight).

One cabin design I've been pondering is a south facing shed style structure with a little deck on the front. I'd like to have a way to open a significant portion of the front during non-buggy seasons and am thinking making a portion of the front wall into a sliding barn door on a runner might be a way to do that. The kicker is that I am planning to insulate the place and use it once in a while in the winter, so avoiding drafts would be a plus.

Best Answer

Here is a good picture showing the bottoms of the lift slide doors I installed. The 16' ones were on another job, these are only offer a 10' opening. The pics showing the upper half are kinda dark.

Is this something that may work for you? Liftslide1

