Doors – Post-less combination window & door system


We are planning a remodel and are considering a post-less combination folding window & door system similar to what is shown at:

I attached a tentative floor plan showing the doors in red and the windows in green and wanted to get a sense if someone has done something like this or if this would be geometrically feasible given the 120 deg corner.


Best Answer

As to whether it is geometrically feasible, I have no idea. The question you should be asking is whether it is structurally feasible. I doubt there is any conceivable way to get a header that turns 120° and would provide enough support in the corner without a post there. I'm assuming that the dashed line is an existing wall. I would also evaluate whether or not the wall is load bearing - based on the floor plan, it looks like it might need to have a header as well.

I would consult with an engineer or an architect before progressing with floor plans.