Doors – Selecting a sliding patio door


I live in the Boulder Colorado area where we have hot intense sunny summer days, and below zero freezing winter nights. We are planning to install a sliding patio door in a south facing full sun area. I am also concerned about damage to the outdoor frame, as our current sliding door leaks during intense rain storms due to cracked seals and weathering.

What are some of the things I should look for when searching for the new sliding door?

Best Answer

  • Double-glazed (toughened safety glass) without question.
  • Possibly tented glass (would help a little on those intense summer days).
  • uPVC frame (and uPVC trim pieces). uPVC doesn't seem that popular here in the USA (at least here in the St Louis area), but in the UK it is extremely popular (mainly due to its almost zero maintenance requirements).
  • Built in anti-lift device/mechanism.
  • Good quality hardware & locks.