Doors – Sliding bathroom barn door covering cadet heater


This was a design decision I made a month ago and now after things putting together, I have a "duh" moment.

This is my bathroom door which will have a barn door sliding to the left:

enter image description here

Note that there is a cadet heater which has the cover 1" thick.

The barn door assembly will cover it if the bathroom door opens. I am able to make the sliding assembly to "stick out" 1" to prevent the door hitting the cadet cover.

However, is this configuration OK? Meaning, in order to get heat, the bathroom door has to be closed. If opened, the door will be 1/2" in front of the cadet heater. Is that bad?

Alternatively I can move the cadet heater to the left a bit and have a junction box where it is now. What do you think?

Best Answer

Do not cover that heater and a 1/2” gap is not sufficient either.

You will have to move it or re-design your door.