Doors – square off a uPVC door sill which is inside a conservatory


I have a uPVC door between a dining room and a conservatory. On the conservatory side there is the uPVC sill, this sill is inside the conservatory and the existing tiles match up to the edge of the sill nicely.

I am laying laminate down on top of the tiles in the conservatory, the combined height of the tiles, underlay, and laminate would mean the laminate would come slightly over the lip of the uPVC sill and create a messy edge to finish.

I am planning to cut the uPVC sill out with a multi-tool at the base of the door frame and square off the sill so the laminate would be able to finish neatly at the base of the door frame where I can then apply a wood bead between the laminate and frame.

Would taking out a portion of the sill affect the integrity of the uPVC frame?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Looking at the exposed end of the sill, that looks like a terrible idea.

It appears to be an extrusion with a few ribs and void spaces between ribs, not a solid block. If you cut off the edge, you'll have an unsupported "flap" sticking out from the next rib. That seems unlikely to wear well.