Doors – the name of the hinge that pops out a few inches, then swings open


I'm trying to determine the name of the type of hinge that when actuated pops outwards (or inwards) before allowing the object it's attached to to rotate open.

The only examples I can think of that demonstrate the motion are all from sci-fi/games with the closest real world example being the sliding door on a minivan, which pops outwards as it starts to slide open.

Edit – More detailed description of actuation.

User grabs handle and pulls the door/lid towards themselves several inches, upon reaching maximum extent, door/lid is/can then be swung open in the traditional manner.

I may need to just self fabricate by welding an Extend Tip Out hinge to a traditional side hinge to get the actuation behavior.

Edit* – Video
An answer identified the type of door as a 'plug door', using that I found a video that shows the motion I was describing, except the airplane door pops in before going out and I was thinking pop out before rotating out. video

Still searching for the hinge itself that allows this motion. Fancy aerospace pressurization effects (or cost) not desired.

Best Answer

Sounds like a plug door.

Not just for aircraft, they are also used on railway and transit vehicles to reduce loading gage.