Doors – way I can soundproof an exterior apartment door from outside noise

doorsnoise reductionsound-proofing

Its made of steel but hollow (though I'm not sure if completely hollow or if it has divisions like cells) with zero sound absorption.

I already weatherproofed it with foam strips, but even then every time someone walks or talks in the hallway outside I can hear everything, can even hear noises from other apartments that escape through their doors (which are the same) and enter mine.

Any way I can soundproof my door? I don't care about aesthetics but note that I can't modify anything on the outside-side of the door because its against the building rules. So whatever I do has to be inside the actual door or on the interior-side.

Best Answer

You could try an acoustic curtain.

You could build an interior door to make your exterior door more like an air lock and then sound proof that door/wall to your hearts content.