Doors – What options are there for door stops away from a wall


I have a number of doors in different situations where opening the door fully will hit various things, in all cases I don't have a wall behind the door to fix a normal stop to.

The only solution I can currently think of are the stops you screw in the floor, but they would be a trip hazard. I assume using those floor stops near the hinge would be a bad idea because it would wrench the hinges?

What other options are there for preventing a door opening too far?

For what it's worth these are the different situations:

  • Door corner collides with sloping ceiling when open 135deg

  • Door face collides with kitchen cupboard knob at 90 deg

  • Door edge collides with bookcase at 150 deg

Best Answer

I'd look at hinge stops, and use them in pairs (or even triples). They apply a large force to the hinge screws and the door skin, so using multiples distributes the load.

enter image description here For reference only.

If your doors are very heavy, consider a closer as recommended by Ed Beal.