Doors – Which way should a door between the garage and basement swing


Looked everywhere for proper answer. We have a 2 car garage attached to the basement. This house is old, built in 1968, we purchased this 2 years ago and were renovating here/there. We just finished got the wall replaced (fire-rated) also vents removed, electricals/plumbing rerouted/fixed. Now all we got left is the door.

All over the place says one thing and another, we're not sure who is right based on building code in the USA (Kansas to be specific).

From the garage walking into the basement, should the door swing in or out? opening INTO the basement or opening INTO the garage? We know about which kind of door we need, but not sure of the inswing or outswing.

Best Answer

  1. Check local codes -- you may not get a choice in the matter.
  2. Check the door to see if the fire rating requires it to be mounted one way or the other.
  3. Otherwise, look at convenience. Will the door open completely with the car in the garage or your workbench in place? From a security standpoint, having it swing into the basement would be more secure as the hinges will be inside.