Doubts about quality of wood-frame construction


I recently had a shed built by what I thought was a reputable company. Now I'm in doubt about that quality of the construction, but I don't really have a reference to compare it to. I'm looking for experienced opinions.

At least one of the builders apparently had a problem holding the nail gun straight. Dozens of nails missed the studs, including some coming up out of the bottom sills of window frames. Here's one of the worst areas, in the roof. (The city building inspector passed this.)

enter image description here

The prebuilt door frame is screwed tightly to the framing on the hinge side, so there's a half-inch gap on the lock side. As a result, the deadbolt is anchored in nothing but the wooden door frame and a couple of questionable-looking screws.

enter image description here

Two of the windows are sitting directly on the bottom frame, leaving a large gap at the top. The other is visibly crooked. When I had new windows installed in my house, the builders carefully shimmed the windows so they were centered. I anticipate problems finishing the window casing with the large gap at the top.

enter image description here

The windows are identical to those on my house, but the shed builders used molding half as thick, leaving this huge gap and protrusion. I'm concerned that water will enter here.

enter image description here

Am I right to think that these are problems that should be fixed?

Best Answer

None of this should be acceptable if you are paying someone to build you a shed. Period. Yes it passes inspection because it is not a habitable space, meaning that code wouldn't allow someone to live there so the only thing the inspector cares about is "Will this collapse and fall on someone?"

I am thinking you paid this company money based on a more stringent guideline of the building not collapsing. I would make them fix each of these issues or tell them that you can find someone to do that and take that off their cost. If you have not paid them in full you have all the leverage you need. Any small claims court would not accept this from a professional company - it is not like you hired Joe from craigslist. Now if you have already paid them fully, your beef still is right but good luck getting them to fix anything other than the window and rescrew door.