Drum sander attachment for drill keeps coming loose


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Like in the picture. It's doing a great job (floorboards and skirting boards) but it keeps working itself out of the drill – I can see it creeping out gradually, and after about a minute of use it falls off. I've got the chuck as tight as I can get it.

It's actually worn away the spindle bit that goes in the drill, too, presumably it is constantly slipping inside the drill.

I'm using a very heavy duty sandpaper grade on it – 40 grit – for the first pass to take all the crap off. Could that be part of the problem?

Greatful for any advice…. cheers

Best Answer

Your Drill Chuck is actually the problem here.

You can try a few different things.

  • Buy a new chuck for that drill.
  • Buy a new high quality drill.
  • Since your spindle is damaged already, you might want to put a groove in it for your chuck to bite into it.

I have no relation or affiliation with any of the following - I am supplying the links so you can see some different ways to get new chucks.

In No particular order of quality, usefulness or reputation; Links for Replacement Chucks Follow:


Jacobs Chucks

At Amazon
