Drywall – Adding a bulkhead to a framed/stud wall


I am looking to build a framed/stud wall that's roughly 3500mm wide and 100mm deep but I also need to add a bulkhead to a section of it, see the image below:

enter image description here

Do I:

A: Build the full width of the framed wall 100mm deep (adding extra
studs for attaching the bulkhead) and then build/attach the bulkhead

B: Incorporate the bulkhead into the framed wall design,
building them as corners in the appropriate places?

The bulkheads run from floor to ceiling and serve no purpose other than aesthetic appearance and housing a few spotlights, they will have no load applied to them (other than tiles), will they need to be attached to the ceiling/floor too?

Best Answer

Normally I'd build the two separately, as in your first plan. However, I'd use pairs of studs in an L configuration as backing for the bulkhead. This provides interior drywall backing as well as a more convenient fastening scheme.