Drywall and tile to top of shower


Looking for some tips on how best to install. Read a few different things but nothing that seems to fit this scenario.

Few pictures at what I am looking at are attached. Not sure weather to go over the lip with the concrete backer board or fill the gap somehow as I need something to hold the tile. Thanks for your help![![enter image description here][1]][1]

[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/o24qZ.jpgenter image description here

Best Answer

It looks like you have drywall attached to the studs above where the tub is attached.

You should remove the drywall entirely. Then put concrete board or something like densglass or kerdiboard and bring it butted to the tub.

Then your wall sheet and the tub ledge should be nearly flush. Finally, install the tile covering both the wallboard and the tub lip.