Drywall – Any ideas on how to remove the back part of this fire surround


I’m really struggling to remove the back part of my fireplace. It’s made of marble and stuck onto the wall, which is made of plasterboard as far as I can tell.

It seems like it’s stuck on with a type of adhesive which are placed in big blobs in the corners and middle. It’s quite rubbery / pliable.

I’ve tried using a chisel and a hammer, which isn’t making much progress. I’ve also tried sawing through, but that doesn’t really work either. I’m a little worried that I’ll end up ripping big chunks out of the plasterboard.

Any advice would be welcome, photos below.

Fire Surround
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Best Answer

Try piano wire or mason's line (string) in a sawing motion. (Partner helps for this. So does tying a loop and putting a handhold in it, as the pressure you'll need usually hurts bare hands.)

Sadly, you're apt to have to patch the drywall in the end... maybe just a little less if you get lucky.