Wall and Ceiling – Addressing Bulging in the Wall and Ceiling


I purchased a new construction home just a month ago that has a year of warranty. I have started noticing bulges in the wall and ceiling. Is it poor construction? There are several like these.

  • How hard or easy is it to fix?
  • Is it concerning?

Please let me know your thoughts.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

This is nothing but shoddy workmanship on a brand new home.

Contact the builder and/or warranty company immediately and ask when they'll be out to fix it.

Document. Document. Document! Do everything in writing - email at a minimum, certified letters if they get snippy with you. If they call to discuss it, take notes, then summarize the phone conversation immediately in an email message back to them to put it in writing. Something like:

Dear Builder's Representative,

Thank you for your phone call of date at time. Per our discussion, here are the actions you will be taking and the date they are to be completed:
list here
and here are the actions that you expect me to take:
list here
If I've missed anything, please let me know immediately so I can update my records.

Thank you,

Is this concerning? Yes, it's concerning that they built the house so poorly. Is this likely to collapse on you at any moment, no, I wouldn't think so, but who knows where else shoddy workmanship is lurking.

Make sure you keep a very close eye on your house for any other signs of damage and notify them immediately.