Drywall – Cement Board versus Mold Resistant Drywall at Top of Bath Tub/Shower Surround


The drywall installers ran short of cement board, so they used a small piece of mold resistant drywall at the top of the wall where the shower head is located (see upper right of first picture). I brought this to the attention of the contractor, but before they replaced the drywall with cement board, the first two layers of mud and tape were installed (see second picture). Our plan is to tile the walls in the bath tub/shower surround all the way to the ceiling. However, the ceiling will not be tiled.

At this point, is it better to have the drywall replaced with cement board, or just tile over the mold resistant drywall? The contractor has assured me that they can cut out the drywall and slip in a piece of cement board under the vertical corner bead running from ceiling to floor on the right and then install new tape and mud for the horizontal seem between the wall and ceiling.

In case it matters, the drywall installers are using ProForm Lite Blue Joint Compound, a "vinyl base ready mix lightweight joint compound."

Cement Board Bath Tub/Shower Surround

Bath Tub/Shower Surround Mudded and Taped

Best Answer

That is not a really wet location I would leave it, I just hope they used a setting type joint compound.

This may be an opinion as others may say omg it must be replaced but in the 50’s and 60’s it was common to tile the entire shower over drywall. If the shower was re sealed it lasted 30-40 years if not only ~20 years or that has been my experience on remodels of this age.

I do not see that upper section as a problem as it is not as likely to have constant spray hitting it.