Drywall – Fix a screw into a wall-plug


The mirror in the bathroom is held by two hooks, that are screwed into the wall through wall-plugs. One of the hooks has become loose, and can easily turn around, and is thus not holding the mirror anymore. (So the wall-plug is not spinning in the wall, it is the screw itself which does.)

If I tighten the screw more, then it becomes fixed, but then the hook is too near to the mirror and cannot be hanged anymore. The other hook is very solid, even at the right distance.

I have already tried gluing the screw to the wall-plug with Loctite, but it still keeps moving.

I have already seen this related question, but I do not think it is relevant for two reasons:

  • If I want, I can tighten the screw, but then (as said above), it is too near to the wall.
  • If at all possible, I would like to avoid drilling another hole, I would rather try some other solution to glue the screw to the wall-plug.

Best Answer

Might not be the answer you're looking for, but (as was the answer to that other question) you could pull it out and get a new plug. You might not need to redrill if you're careful or get a plug that'll hook into whatever hole is left.

Also, I know it could just be preference, but have you tried Gorilla Glue?