Drywall – How does one find studs in double drywall


I have a lot of kitchens to install on walls with double drywall over metal studs. My Franklin Sensors stud finder is great for single drywall but is failing on double, I have been having to search for them with a screw and things aren’t really OC. What strategies are recommended for finding studs in such a situation?

Best Answer

The same way we find studs for single drywall.

Magnetic stud finder

enter image description here

Your drywall has to be screwed in properly. You will have vertical columns of screws. When the magnet hits something, go up or down a little, if it hits a vertical column - there is your stud. Since it is double drywall there would definitely not be skipping of studs so you should be able to mark everything in kitchen in a few minutes.