Drywall – How is a transition between drywall and wood typically handled


enter image description hereI just finished sheet rocking my living room and am stuck at a stand-still. My ceiling is 12' feet high at the tallest point and slopes down to 8'. That said, at the 12' wall, the sheetrock only goes up 8' and is then met by a lap and gap type wood, which then continues up to the ceiling. The wood then slopes (on the wall). At the 8' point of the ceiling, the sheetrock butts up to the ceiling.

My question is…How would I install a crown moulding or transition piece at the point where the sheetrock meets the wood? The previous owners had a painted 1×4 where the paneling (now sheetrock) met the wood. However, I am wanting something a bit nicer than just a 1×4 transition.

Either I am the only person out there with a room like this or I am searching incorrectly on Google. Does anyone have any ideas or pictures on this? I can definitely provide pictures if needed. I am tempted to pull the wood all the way to ceiling and continue the sheetrock all the way up. Any advice would be much appreciated!

Best Answer

Here's a few options I can think of.

Lap joint

If the wood is a bit thicker than the drywall, you could use a router to remove some of the material on the back side of the lowest plank (may require installing an additional plank, or extending the drywall). Then allow the lowest plank to lap over the drywall. Make sure you leave enough of a gap between the two materials, to allow for expansion and contraction.

Lap joint


Another option would be to use a transition strip, like the ones commonly used in flooring. You'd use T-molding if the materials are even with each other, or a reducer if they're not.



A simple 1x4 like the previous owners had, or a more decorative piece of molding could be used.

Decorative molding