Drywall – How to even dents and scrape marks over entire wall


Our hallway is painted brilliant white eggshell but has quite visible dent and scrape marks under the paint. What is the best way to even out the wall?

We will eventually cover a lot of the wall with artwork so we're thinking to spackle the worst looking areas (rather than the entire wall) and then paint over those areas with the correct existing eggshell colour but having never used spackle before I'm concerned this might make some parts of the wall look entirely different.

Images for reference (ignore the iPhone white balance making the colours a bit strange!):
enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

I usually lightly sand and use standard Sheetrock mud, after it is dry I sand again if I think this looks good I then use a can of spray texture and blend some new texture with the old, after the spray texture is dry and a fresh coat of paint when we’ll done you really won’t see the repair. Never tape off an area when using spray texture that makes lines that stand out after painting (one of the best DIY repairs I have seen was spoiled because they taped off the area instead of blending.