Drywall – How to get a reasonable plaster finish in an awkward recess


I am plastering my basement, having drywalled it. It's mostly done, but there is an awkward recess around the gas meter that I still need to do:

Gas meter

Would just leave the plasterboard exposed and paint it, but there is scrim tape at the edges, and also several joins / screw heads to cover.

Gas meter close up

It doesn't need to perfect, as it'll be boxed in, in a cupboard, but I want to get a reasonable finish that I can paint. I suspect trying to plaster it will be a nightmare, as I'll be unable to get a trowel behind the meter (may leave it looking worse than before). How else can I make a paintable finish? Wondered about joint compound and then sanding it.

Anyone got any better ideas?!

Best Answer

I'd use joint compound, and smooth it in with a putty knife as smoothly as possible. Then, when it's dry, use a damp sponge to smooth it over to a paintably smooth surface.