Drywall – How to pull/push a PVC pipe closer to the wall


I live in an apartment building, and recently I had to uncover some pipes which were covered with dry wall. I want to replace the dry wall, however one of the pipes (120mm diameter – for rain water draining) is now sticking out about 10 milimeters (I think some of my neighbors have done some repairs, and now the pipe is bent outwards)

Initially I was thinking to put some wood wedges where the pipe enters the apartment (2.5 meters distance), however, this doesn't push the pipe back enough and the force required to push the pipe is quite big.

Another alternative is to put a holder around the pipe, but I don't have access on the back of the pipe, and in the back it's a thin concrete wall (around 20 mm)

If I simply push it back and mount the drywall, can the drywall be damaged ? The force needed to push the pipe back in the point it contacts the drywall is quite small. After further consideration, I don't think this is viable, the force isn't that small.

enter image description here

Any other ideas to push/pull this pipe ?

Best Answer

You could use plumbers tapeplumbers tape to try and restrain the pipe but if the force required to move the pipe is significant and you already have the wall torn open you might want to just fir that wall out before reapplying your drywall.

After seeing the picture you will probably want to just drywall around the protruding bit, which is almost certainly a clean-out. It's bad karma to bury them anyway and there are these sharp looking clean out covers made specifically for the job. It will save you miles of heart ache.