Drywall – How to repair a textured ceiling without making a mess


I have knocked out a couple walls and never really made it fit right with the ceiling pattern – Is there an easy way to replicate this ceiling texture?

enter image description here

Also as time goes on I am noticing that the nails they used to hang the drywall are losing their bite. This is only in the main living area which is completely open now. So I need to probably hit most of the ceiling in this area with a lot of drywall screws.

I also have a couple of hairline cracks to fix too but these are rather small and have done that before. So just lots of ceiling issues.

If I can get all of the furniture out of these 4 rooms (kitchen, front room, living room, dining room) – and these rooms are all open to each other – what kind of ceiling treatment can I use so that I do not have drywall dust all over my house and something that will deal with the already swirl/sand that I have? (Acoustical texture isn't an option.)

Best Answer

Caulk the hairline cracks. Pick out the nail pop plaster, screw the nail or screw back in with an adjacent screw to hold it in, spackle & prime. Then, re-paint the ceilings with a Sandy Paint or Add Sand to any paint.

Roll-on the new paint for everything. But then, go back with a brush to do a 2nd or 3rd coat with a brush. The brush will let you swirl & build-up any flat areas for a pretty perfect match quite easily.

sandy paint