Drywall – How to screw the edge of a sheet of drywall where there is no stud directly behind it


             wall A
old wall ________________ edge of frame
new wall ________________| 
                         | Wall B

I recently floated a new wall over wall A which brought out the wall by about 3 1/2 inches. I am now about to put a second layer of drywall over wall B. Normally, you'd just screw the edge of the drywall into the frame of wall B, but, because wall A has come out further from the frame, I can't reach the edge of the frame so I can screw in the new drywall on wall B.

My first guess is to use a very long screw and drive it in diagonally so that it goes into the edge of the frame. However, do they make 4-5" drywall screws? I can't use adhesive on the drywall because I am using Green Glue between the layers. Green Glue is not so much an adhesive as is it a soundproofing compound. I've already installed the second layer and am just looking for a way to screw in the edge.

Best Answer

Unfortunately you are past the point where you could have installed a stud in that corner as a nailer. What you are saying is that you have unsupported drywall butting into the corner now. You certainly can try a longer screw, but be careful not to bend the drywall as the screw tightens. There is going to be a tendency for that corner to wave if you screw it to wall "B" diagonally. Can you still remove that piece of rock and put in even a small 1 1/2 X 1 1/2 nailer, then reinstall the drywall?

Regardless, use fiberglass tape in this corner if unsupported and the seam will have less tendency to crack. I can almost guarantee the corner will crack if you use paper tape.

I really think you should take the time to install a corner nailer now. It may take a couple of hours to fix the situation, but that is better than looking at a cracked, wavy corner after you have invested your time and money, knowing that you could have done right the first time.