Drywall – I want create some hanging shelves using zinc E-Z Drywall Anchors & Sisal rope. How much weight could this method bear


I recently bought a projector and am looking to build a shelf for it to sit on. I rent, so I really don't want to do anything with the ceiling. The configuration I'm currently using is just a standard bookshelf, but the thing is there is a window directly opposite my living room wall, so the projector is off-center. What I'd like to do, rather than placing the entire bookshelf in front of the window, is to place the anchors above the window, attach the sisal rope to those anchors, & then wrap the rope around a plank of wood. My projector weighs 5.5 pounds. Is this a decent set up? Is there a better method? I really don't want it falling, so if there's no way to be certain it'll be stable, what should I do instead?

Best Answer

There are ceiling mounts available for most projectors that let you attach right to the ceiling, that might be easier.

However, there is an adjustment that lets you use most projectors at an oblique angle to the wall, look for a "keystoning" adjustment in your projector's manual. This would allow you to get a perfect rectangular image with the projector in it's current spot.