Drywall – Install soffit before or after new cabinet install


I just took down the drywall and existing soffit on my kitchen wall. I am going to install taller cabinets. What steps should I follow? Should I re-drywall now, install the cabinets, then build out a soffit above? Or should I frame out a soffit now, then drywall everything, then install the cabinets. In the soffit area, there are DMV pipes and stapled wiring.

Best Answer

Just imagining the logistics of it, I wouldn't want to build a soffit above already installed cabinets, especially if there are mechanicals up there already. Not to mention, trying to protect the cabinets while you drywall, mud, sand, and paint everything would be a nightmare.

Unless you have some really compelling reason why you can't, why wouldn't you do it before the cabinet install?