Drywall – Is this bulge in the ceiling due to a roof leak


If the roof had a unknown leak would I notice it, and how? Would it cause damage to the ceiling, and would I easily see water dripping?

My concern is this bulge in my ceiling:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Based on the picture that was posted in a comment (then added to the original question). It looks like this was a poorly done patch.

At some point in the past, someone had to remove a portion of the ceiling drywall. Possibly to repair a leaking pipe, to repair a water leak from outside, or some other reason. When the person (a lazy contractor, or a previous home owner) went to replace the drywall on the ceiling, he either:

  1. didn't have the correct thickness of drywall to match what was already on the ceiling so installed a thicker piece that he had on hand
  2. didn't attach the correct thickness of drywall well enough, and one end has begun to sag

This just looks like a poor repair job, not a current leaking spot. However, it's possible that if there was a leak here before, that the spot (whether plumbing above, or something coming in from outside) is leaking again, and it bears keeping an eye on it.

Whether one would "notice drops on an iPad" seems to be quite irrelevant to the question. Look for additional signs of water damage - additional sagging, damp to the touch and/or discoloration.