Drywall – Mounting large tv to drywall


I have a 50-inch tv weighing in at 15kg/33lbs, that I want to mount to a drywall. Ideally, I would like to be able to use a mount that can flip the tv out at a 90 degree angle. I have not been able to find the studs in the wall. I found a very helpful and informative video here. It calls for 'snap toggle bolts'.

So here is the challenge – I live in Bangkok, Thailand. And none of the hardware stores I've visited had ever seen the pictures and video I showed them of snap toggle bolts. They came back with some suggestions, the sturdiest of which I took a photo of.


However, nobody could tell me how much weight these anchors would properly support. And of course I don't want to risk part of the wall plus my new tv coming down!

Ideally, I hope somebody recognises these things and can tell me if they'll suffice. But that might be a stretch. Instead, perhaps somebody can give me some pointers in terms of what to look for, how to judge different solutions for suitability, etc. and I'll just continue my search.

Much appreciate your help.

Best Answer

No... those expanding bolts aren't going to do the job, period. There are several reasons but suffice it to say your TV will find up on the floor. Toggle bolts of some variety are the preferred way to do it... it's hard to believe that no one in a city the size of yours has them or something more suitable. What you need is something that will spread the weight of your TV over a wide enough surface area and not be dependent on resisting withdrawal through the sheetrock, as the ones you pictured are. You said you can't find the studs... how have you tried? Is your home typical studs with sheetrock over? If they are metal studs that might be why you're having so much trouble. But don't use what you have pictured, they are not suitable. Let me know your answers to the above and I'm sure we can figure this out.