Drywall – New House, Horribly Patched Drywall


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We bought our first house and it needs some work, especially the walls. I’m wondering what’s the best way to take care of this horribly patched drywall? We have large sections of wall in various rooms that look similar to the one in the picture. We think it’s from the previous owners DIY remodeling, but they weren’t very picky about their results, it seems. Is this fixable? Or would we need to replace whole sheets of drywall?

Best Answer

Perhaps the previous owners wanted the feel of some personality, or perhaps they shared their personality with the walls.

Since the house is new (to you) and you imply it is yours and you want it to look good - plan to remodel it.

What do I mean? I mean, at the very least, plan to do new sheets of drywall where damage like that exists. It is pretty bad for the one picture you show and the time it will take to "patch in 4 sides" of a new rectangle of size 1'x 2' (just making that number up) may not be much worse in the long run of doing a 4'x 8'.

Not to mention, if you have any incling to change anything, run new wires (AC, HDMI, CAT6??), plumbing, or inspect the insulation, this would be a good starting point.

Getting intimate with the new place and fixing an eye sore.