Drywall – Overboarding thickness – how much smaller will the room be


I have a lot of woodchip wallpaper and normal wallpaper, all painted over multiple times. Removing it is going to be hell.

So instead I was thinking of overboarding, but how much room will I lose to that? Some of the corridors are only 1m wide.

Presumably I'll need to put up trusses, screwed into the brickwork, and then plasterboard over those. Plasterboard is 10-13mm thick, plus say 10mm for the truss, on both sides, which suggests the corridor would end up being about 950mm wide at the end, not too bad.

Is that a reasonable assumption or will it be thicker than that?

This is a residential house in the UK. There will be wiring behind the plasterboard, i.e. through the trusses.

Best Answer

  • 10 mm "truss" + 13 mm plasterboard (taking the high end) = 23 mm
  • 23 mm x 2 (both sides) = 46 mm
  • 10000 mm wide corridor - 46 mm = 964 mm

Your estimate of 950mm of remaining space seems reasonable.

Other than checking your math, I'm not sure what else we can tell you or what your real question is.