Drywall – Poorly installed drywall anchors (by me)


I was trying to install drywall anchors to hold curtain rods. I used a drill bit to make small holes and screwed the drywall anchors into the the holes by hand. A couple went fine on one side of the window. On the other side of the window I tried the same thing but the hole ended up breaking apart and now the drywall anchor just spins and does not hold well. Is there a way I can fix these holes so a new anchor will work or another way to hold the screws in place?

horrible holes I made

Here are the holes I made and am hoping to fix. (The picture is sideways)

thanks In advance!

Best Answer

There are many types of anchors. I suspect you used the basic cheap plastic plugs. I'd look to the various expanding or toggling types and simply use the same holes.

Otherwise, get some setting type joint compound and press it in firmly. Knife it off and allow it to cure thoroughly before a light sanding.