Drywall – Raised black line in basement drywall


November 2019 after knocking down the black raised this is what it looked like. There's a hole at the top. Son saw an insect run into the hole
New occurrence Sept 2020. Also what it looked like last year before knocking it down and bleaching
Does anyone know what this is?
My best guesses are either some type of mold or something insect related. This is on drywall in a finished basement connected to an exterior wall. I live in Chicago, in case it matters. This wall is also adjacent to, and the "thing" is just below, a venting duct cased in drywall. It also seems that this hapoens at either corner of where the drywall duct intersects with this wall.
The back yard water spigot is also in this vicinity of the exterior wall.
I bought this frame house with vinyl siding last year and shortly after had mold remediated in this room. A few months later we noticed this on the wall. Knocking off the puffy black substance and treating with bleach seemed to take care of it until now. It's back! Yuck! It seems to appear at this quickly and at this stage.
I need an idea of what it is so I'll know who to call; a mold specialist, exterminator or some other specialist.

Best Answer

This looks like a termite tube. Termites can't survive in the open air (too dry) so they build tubes to make a high-humidity highway when they explore new areas. See the web for pictures of termite tubes.