Drywall – repair a plaster ceiling with drywall


I had a leak from my upstairs bathroom that came into my kitchen. The repairs for the leak can be done through the kitchen ceiling where the damage is. My ceiling is plaster that has been wallpapered to look like a tin ceiling. All of this needs to be replaced. The insurance company gave me money for a drywall repair to my ceiling. Can that be done, or does it have to be plaster? I plan to have it repapered.

Best Answer

Depending on the thickness of the existing plaster, a drywall patch with suitable support behind it (with "mud" or patching compound over it to merge the edges with existing plaster and achieve a smooth surface) may be a perfectly reasonable solution. Getting it really smooth and level so the patch doesn't "telegraph" through the wallpaper will take some work and patience; sand, mud, sand, mud, repeat until a raking light shows no irregularities from any direction.