Drywall – Tips for texturing ceilings


I'm getting ready to texture ceilings for the first time using an air-compressor / hopper. I plan to practice first on some old sample sheets of drywall I have laying around but was also hoping to get some tips from the pros =)

Specifically, I'd like to know:

  • What type of consistency should the topping mud be? Runny? Thick?
  • What techniques should be used for actual spraying? Top-to-bottom? Left-to-right?
  • What preparation needs to be done beforehand? Taping off outlets? Placing plastic over windows?
  • How full should the hopper be filled?
  • What can we do if there are mistakes?

Best Answer

I have spent a great deal of time scrapping popcorn off ceilings. I don't know if that is the type of coating you are planning on, but I would tend to leave the ceilings smooth. I think that looks better. Textures ceilings were big in the 70's and 80's, but not so much now.

Sorry, not an answer, just my opinion.