Drywall – Wet Room walls, is plasterboard (Gyproc or Drywall) OK to use


Looking to build a new wet room style bathroom. Is it better to use cement sheeting for the walls that will be tiled, or will plasterboard (Gyproc) just as good to use? Obviously whichever surface is used will have the relevant wet room sealing mixture used on it, but would cement sheeting provide a better base that Gyproc?

Obviously the cement sheeting is thinner than the plasterboard which would be an advantage to gain some small amount of space.

Once the wet room sealer is applied to the surface it will then be tiled.

Best Answer

Cement sheeting provides a better backing - specifically something like "Aquapanel" (as marketed here in the UK.

It's stronger and stiffer than standard plasterboard and hence can take the weight of the tiles. It is also more resistant to moisture. Also it's not hideously more expensive.