Drywall – What did I drill into


I used a 3/32 drill bit for a pilot hole into my dry wall, directly in between 2 wooden studs that were about 32 inches apart, and about 18 inches from the ceiling (of a 1 story house). I mistakenly thought that there was another stud there because the magnetic stud finder was picking something up there. I immediately hit metal behind the drywall, and when I ran my magnetic stud finder along this line, I realized that almost the entire length of this vertical line was metal. What did I hit, and do I need to open the drywall to see if I caused any damage to anything important?

Best Answer

If the magnetic stud finder is showing response across a good part of the stud cavity then there is probably a metal duct in the wall. This could be a stove hood vent, a dryer vent or a heating duct.

If the magnetic finder is showing just a narrow range near where you drilled the hole then the item in the wall might be a metal pipe such as a sewer vent stack, an iron water pipe or an iron gas pipe. Since the first two examples would be pretty rare to use iron pipe I would put biggest odds on a gas pipe.

There is another possibility that you ran into a metal electrical conduit.