Drywall – Why did a bulge appear after I mounted a wine rack to the wall


I'm new to 'DIY-ing' and this evening I mounted a wooden wine rack to my wall. I used a stud finder, made my marks and when I drilled the hole on the left hand side it felt like.. nothing.. no stud. I shifted the drilled a little to the left and tried again, still nothing. I tried once more, shifted the drill a little more left and I got the stud. No issues with the stud on the right hand side. Hung the wine rack and it looks perfect. Pretty sturdy too.

A couple hours later a 'bubble' appeared.. Its weird, it looks like a bubble from when water is trapped behind paint but when I touched it, it was hard, almost like the drywall raised, but only in that one area on the left hand side.

Does anyone know what this could be? All help is greatly appreciated.

enter image description here

Best Answer

You have a textbook screw pop there, where the drywall hanger didn't run the screw in snug, leaving a gap behind the drywall. When you mounted your rack, the drywall was pressed tight and the protruding screw forced the surface out.

The fix is do drive the screw in (through the joint compound) and repair the damage. Even if you remove your wine rack the outline of the bulge will probably remain visible.

Fortunately, you have smooth walls. I'd pull down the rack, run the screw in tight (remove it or drive it through with a hammer and set if it spins free), cut out the loose material, and skim with drywall joint compound. It will probably take several applications, with dry time in between, due to shrinkage. Sand, paint, and hang your rack again.

Of course, you could also drive the screw in, then raise your wine rack a bit and pretend it never happened. :)