Effective Blower Speed


Looking to build a DIY conveyor belt powered by a furnace blower motor that I have kicking around using a series of pulleys to significantly step down the speed.

My 3 speed Century DL1076 has an rpm of 1075 but I'm wondering if someone can

A. Confirm that 1075 RPM is its speed on the High setting.

B. Let me know if there's a general rule of thumb for calculating the speeds for Low and Medium in terms of percentages?


Best Answer

Multi-speed motors are rated at their speed on high, so high will be around 1075. The other speeds will typically be around 100 rpm lower than the next speed, so you don't get a lot of range in that speed. The speeds are also designed so that with the same load applied to the motor (like a fan blade), the different speeds give less power to the motor, so it naturally slows down.

If the motor is loaded more or less than it was designed for the change in speeds will vary. I've never tried this, but I suspect the no-load speed on low will be very close to the high speed, and you will get more separation in the speeds the more the motor is loaded.