Effectively clearing out solvent fumes from a workshop


I am looking for safe ways to purge solvent fumes from a basement workshop. First let me say that I am not spraying solvent based finishes. I'm only trying to deal with the fumes given off by slow evaporation. For example, using mineral spirits on the corner of a rag to clean something. The smell will linger for hours or days, but the concentration is not high enough to be a serious respiratory risk or an explosion risk.

Two things I've considered:
Buying or building a "safety lamp", as used by miners in the 19th century. Burning up the solvent vapors safely might be a quick way to solve the issue.

Charcoal based filter combined with a fan to move air across or through the charcoal.

Best Answer

Exhaust fan.

Explosion-proof preferred, but if you're quite sure you don't need that...

If you set up an area as a low-tech fume hood it will be more effective if you can keep the solvent work in that area.